Saltdean Lido Ticket Portal

FAQs / Help

How do I contact the Lido team?

You can contact us byt telephone or email using:


Telephone: 01273 069984

Can I change my online booking?

Tickets are only transferable to an alternative date or time if you contact Saltdean Lido directly on 01273 069984 or email at least 48 hours before the date you originally booked to visit, which appears on your booking confirmation. We cannot guarantee that we can change the date of your visit, but we will make reasonable efforts to do so as long as you contact us more than 48 hours before your scheduled visit date.

Can I cancel my booking?

Tickets bought online are non-refundable for any reason including but not limited to inclement weather. Lightning will cause closure of the Lido - no refunds will be issued but an alternative session can be booked.